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Dwi'n adrodd straeon yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg ac weithiau ychydig o'r ddau. Mae fy straeon yn cynnwys mythau a chwedlau o Gymru, yn ogystal â straeon, chwedla, a llên gwerin o'r byd Celtaidd, Prydeinig ac Ewropeaidd. Rwy'n gweithio gyda'r straeon hyn mewn llawer o wahanol ffyrdd: eu hadrodd o'r cof mewn ysgolion, gwyliau, amgueddfeydd a theatrau, creu sioeau newydd ar gyfer oedolion a theuluoedd, cynnal gweithdai adrodd straeon, ac ysgrifennu a chyfarwyddo ar gyfer y theatr.

Mae perfformiadau yn y gorffennol wedi cynnwys:

Gwyl y Dyn Gwyrdd, Gwyl Werin Towersey, Lakefest, Wythnos Werin Whitby, Gwyl Chwedleua Ryngwladol Beyond the Border, Caffi Adrodd Straeon Birmingham, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Gwyl Chwedleua Alden Biesen, Llancaiach Fawr, Amgueddfa Werin Sain Ffagan, Halsway Manor, r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol

...a llawer mwy!




Chwedleua Alban Arthan ym Mharc Dinefwr, Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol. Llun: Joann Randles

"Tamar...has a vast and indispensable knowledge of both bilingual storytelling and Welsh folklore. She is an exceptionally strong workshop leader and performer and has a very wide and passionate interest in storytelling which she shares with all those who she encounters."

Cass Gastaldon, Rheolwr PuppetSoup


"Tamar Eluned Williams had the perhaps intimidating challenge of acting as our young storyteller in residence...Rather than simply giving a prepared performance, we asked her to translate some of the impressions and emergent themes of the event into story form, for a performance which would end the entire symposium. It is a testament to her performance skills, critical awareness and repertoire, that she fulfilled this vital role with panache and sensitivity. In her performance she blends the mythic with a personal and reflective voice."

Cath Heinemeyer, International Centre for Arts and Narrative


"The high spot of the evening had to be the stories you shared with us. Although I'm not a Welsh speaker, the sprinkling of Welsh added a mystical quality to the tales. You definitely held us in the palm of your hand!"

Jo Griffiths, Ffrindiau Llyfrgell Rhiwbeina


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